Batman & Batman Returns Batmobile

Batman & Batman Returns Batmobile

Tim Burtons Batman was a huge hit in 1989 giving a dark Gothic look to the film and also to the car, producing a race-car style with an enclosed cabin with slide back roof for access, rear fins over the wheels, and a prominent jet turbine running the full length of the car and protruding through the nose.

The car was designed by Anton Furst. The car was built using two separate chassis from Chevrolet Impalas, and actually used a Chevy V8 to move it – the turbine was for appearance only. In the movie the car was armed with several different weapons in a true James Bond style, with spherical bombs the dropped from the centres of the wheel hubs, forward facing machine guns, side mounted shinbreakers, and had a grappling hook that could shout out sideways to attach to lamp posts to enable the car to make left or right turns at high speed without slowing down. The car also had several defences – armour plating could envelop the car like an armadillo, it had oil slick dispensers and smoke emitters to evade pursuers.

The car was also used in the second movie – Batman Returns, where it was destroyed fairly early on in the film.